On February 22, our church is hosting a Parenting Conference where we will watch “Getting to the Heart of Parenting” by Paul Tripp together. This event will start at 10 AM and end at 2:30 PM. Childcare will be available for $5 per child. All proceeds for childcare will support our youth group and kids attending camps this summer. This is open to our church as well as the public. We will discuss parenting principles for a wide range of ages. Even if you are a grandparent, you are welcome to join us!
Register via Google Forms here.
Getting to the Heart of Parenting
by Paul David Tripp
10:00-10:15 Arrival and Welcome (snacks provided)
10:15-10:40 What Is a Family? Pt. 1
10:40-11:05 Breakout Session (small group discussion time)
11:05-11:35 What is a Family Pt. 2
11:35-12:00 Breakout Session
12:00 – 12:45 Lunch (from Chick Fil A)
12:45-1:15 Getting to the Heart of Behavior Pt. 1
1:15-1:35 Breakout Session
1:35-2:05 Getting to the Heart of Behavior Pt. 2
2:05-2:25 Breakout Session
2:25-2:30 Prayer and Dismissal